SaaS e-learning platform


ViaSyst clients (CBs or scheme owners) often offer training services complementary to their core activity – but they miss an e-learning platform.
ViaSyst managers have 20+ year experience in e-learning, developing 600+ hours courses and coaching authors to dematerialise their own courses with adequate pedagogical approaches.
Combining these clients’ needs and the ViaSyst expertise logically led ViaSyst to complete the SaaS offer with an e-learning platform: the ViaSyst Academy.

Following services are available within the ViaSyst Academy:

  • course material dematerialisation & implementation on the platform
  • application & access management
  • hosting, back-up and maintenance
  • technical support to organisers & users
intra-company training courses
certification of management systems

E-learning pedagogical engineering

  • Dematerialising courses in e-learning requires a pedagogical revolution
  • Trainees need to be actively involved, supported, accompanied
  • E-learning is not about putting filmed lectures and written course material on the web
  • Authors need to be coached to efficiently dematerialise courses
  • Coaching authors and shaping IT platforms according to the pedagogical objectives is a very specific essential competence

E-learning pedagogical engineering


Implications for the trainee

  • Accept to read alone what is written
  • Book beaches time to work and absorb at your leisure
  • Accept certain difficulties, making the effort to conceptualize and implemen

Implications for the author / tutor

  • Develop and care written materials
  • (Re) create value in this type of tool
  • Illustrate the theory by a maximum of examples and practical advice

Implications for the trainee

  • Engage more actively and quickly in production of results
  • Work live or in parallel to the transposition in his own company of the acquired knowledge

Implications for the author / tutor

  • Develop case studies and detailed scenarios
  • Prepare standard answers, summaries and detailed feedback
  • Ensure availability through forums

Implications for the trainee

  • Engage more actively and quickly in production of results
  • Work live or in parallel to the transposition in his own company of the acquired knowledge
  • Be prepared and involved at the time of face to face sessions
  • Be minded to participate and not to listen
  • Prepare and address questions and examples to use group dynamics

Implications for the author / tutor

  • Analyse trainees’ work & production, identify trends, prepare refunds and additional exercises
  • Master the practical aspects of the subject to be able to keep an open program
training audit management software
online courses

ViaSyst Practice Communities


ViaSyst is involved in developing IT SaaS tools for operating and managing users’ practice communities, within the framework of EU funded Erasmus+ projects.
These tools will in a near future be available for ViaSyst clients for developing such communities, e.g. for sharing good practices with and between auditors and quality managers for bringing consistency and added value. These practice communities will also support e-learning courses by providing key material.